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South and Vale Holiday Activities

During most school holidays, our Active Communities team offer a range of free and low-cost activities, for young children, teenagers and families to enjoy at locations across South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse.

Bookings open around a month before each holiday period – follow our new Active Communities Facebook page, you can join our mailing list to receive regular email updates, or if you have any questions; please email 

The activities are usually very popular so, where required, we would encourage you to book early to avoid disappointment.  See below for details of our next programme of holiday activities and how to book. 

Easter holidays 2025

Please check back in the next few weeks for information on activities for Easter holidays.

Unless stated otherwise, all activities are free and are aimed at preschool and primary aged children to do with their parent/guardians or grandparents.

What’s on, where and when:

Below are the events we have confirmed for the upcoming holiday period.

Under each category, you’ll find when and where the activities take place along with the links you’ll need to make a booking.

Sport and exercise

Shows and movies

Arts and crafts

A picture of colourful Halloween monsters made of card and paper

Term Time Activities

We offer a range of free and low-cost activities, for young children, teenagers and families to enjoy at locations across South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse during term time.

To find out more, visit our Term Time Activities page.

Activities for all residents

Our Active Communities Team work across South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse to help residents with their physical health and wellbeing. They run a variety of weekly activities for all ages and abilities.

To find out more and to see what activities are available near you, visit our pages on Active Communities in South Oxfordshire and Active Communities in the Vale of White Horse.