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Fun all summer long with free and low-cost activities for kids

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Gavin Walton

October 5, 2021

New policy to boost the planting and protection of trees on public land

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils have launched a new policy which outlines how they will protect, plant and manage trees on the land they own, and how they’ll support communities to apply to plant trees on council owned land. Protecting and increasing tree cover will ensure that trees across our districts […]

A group of cyclists cycle through Faringdon

September 30, 2021

Get ready for the Women’s Tour racing through the Vale on 4 October

Find out when and where you can see the race, and about the rolling road closures

September 14, 2021

Get inspired when The Women’s Tour visits the Vale on 4 October

Communities across the Vale of White Horse are being encouraged to line the streets on Monday 4 October, to show off the area and to get inspired when the AJ Bell Women’s Tour cycling race passes through the district.

September 14, 2021

Councils pledge their support for the Great Big Green Week and urge residents to get involved

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils are backing a national campaign aimed at helping and encouraging residents, communities, and businesses to act to help tackle the climate crisis, and to protect and improve our environment. Great Big Green Week, from 18 to 26 September, will see events taking place across the country, […]

September 7, 2021

Get involved with the Thames river clean up

Residents and community groups across South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse are being encouraged to come together in their local communities to help clean up their stretch of the River Thames.

A train at a station

August 23, 2021

Council calls on the government to support Grove Station

Vale of White Horse District Council is calling on the government to commit to reopening the railway station in Grove and to make funding available for the project. A station, which would serve people living and working in Grove, Wantage and the surrounding area, has been long campaigned for by the local community.  However, progress […]

image of White Horse District Council logo

August 19, 2021

Council Leader calls on the government to do more to support Afghan refugees and says the Vale is ready to help

Cllr Emily Smith, Leader of Vale of White Horse District Council, has said that the district council is ready to help refugees who will be arriving in the UK from Afghanistan, but has called on the government to act quickly and to do more to support this process by ensuring that the necessary resources are […]

image of White Horse District Council logo

August 16, 2021

Council calls on the government to scrap planning reform proposals and to protect residents’ rights

Following a motion agreed at the Vale of White Horse District Council meeting last month, Council Leader Emily Smith has written to the government to request that it scraps its proposed changes to planning laws in the United Kingdom which could have serious implications for local communities across the country. In her letter to Robert […]

August 11, 2021

Checks on single person households to ensure people are paying the correct council tax

People claiming Single Person Discount on their council tax in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse will shortly be asked to confirm whether they are still the only adult living in their property and therefore entitled to continue to receive the reduction. Incorrectly claiming this discount can be considered council tax fraud. More […]

August 10, 2021

Help to shape the new Oxfordshire Air Quality website

Residents across the county are being asked to help shape a new air quality community website, which will help to raise awareness and understanding of air pollution across Oxfordshire. In March 2021, Oxford City Council was awarded £162,500 to develop an air quality community website to help raise awareness of air pollution across Oxfordshire. The […]