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Council tax

December 9, 2022

Action on the cost-of-living: Hundreds of low-income households to benefit from paying less council tax

1,400 households in the Vale of White Horse will benefit from a more generous council tax support (CTS) scheme following action to help those most at risk during the cost-of-living crisis.  At their meeting on Wednesday 7 December, district councillors at the Vale voted to remove restrictions requiring households on CTS to make a contribution […]

A row of houses

August 9, 2022

Help with energy bills – new support for those on low income in the Vale of White Horse

Households on low income in the Vale of White Horse will soon receive a one-off payment to help with the rising cost of energy bills. Those living in properties which are in council tax bands E to H and who are in receipt of council tax support will receive a single one-off payment of up […]

May 9, 2022

£500 fine for Council Tax fraudster

A Grove resident has been fined £500 after fraudulently claiming a reduction on her Council Tax. Zoe Lees, 27, from Horsa Close, Grove, pleaded guilty at Oxford Magistrates’ Court on Thursday 21 April to illegally claiming more than £3,500 in Council Tax Reduction. Magistrates heard how Ms Lees had failed to inform Vale of White […]

March 9, 2022

Information for South and Vale residents about the £150 ‘rebate’ to help with energy bills

Thousands of council taxpayers in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse will soon receive a £150 council tax ‘rebate’ to help with rising energy bills. The government has announced that most households in council tax bands A-D will be eligible for the rebate however, contrary to some reports, the ‘rebate’ will not be […]

August 11, 2021

Checks on single person households to ensure people are paying the correct council tax

People claiming Single Person Discount on their council tax in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse will shortly be asked to confirm whether they are still the only adult living in their property and therefore entitled to continue to receive the reduction. Incorrectly claiming this discount can be considered council tax fraud. More […]

image of White Horse District Council logo

February 10, 2021

Extended support for those struggling to pay their council tax could benefit more than 3,000 households

South Oxfordshire District Council and Vale of White Horse District Council are to extend the support they are providing to help working age people who are struggling to pay their council tax as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.  The move could benefit more than 3,000 households across the two districts. In June the two […]

July 6, 2020

Support available for those struggling to pay their council tax

Released on July 1, 2020 People in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse who have outstanding payments on their council tax bill and are struggling to pay are being urged to contact their district council to find out what support may be available. An extra £150 of discount is now available to certain […]

June 8, 2020

Support for people struggling financially due to the Coronavirus pandemic

Released on April 2, 2020 South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils are putting a range of measures in place to help people who are being affected financially by the Coronavirus pandemic, including support for individuals and for businesses. Support for individuals – council tax Hardship fund for people on Council Tax Reduction […]

February 5, 2020

Changes to support Vale residents on low income given the go ahead

More than 430 people on low income in the Vale of White Horse will receive additional support to help them pay their council tax. At its meeting on Monday 3 February Vale of White Horse District Council’s Cabinet approved three amendments to its Council Tax Reduction scheme which could benefit people of working age who receive […]

February 3, 2020

Robust action helps to ensure the Vale will receive more than £14,000 in unpaid tax

Robust action taken by Vale of White Horse District Council tax is helping to ensure that more than £14,000 will be recovered people who have failed to pay their council tax. On Monday 27 January the council successfully took criminal proceedings against nine individuals at Oxford Magistrates Court after they had failed to provide legally […]