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October 10, 2023

The Vale steps up to help families who supported the UK’s military operations in Afghanistan

An innovative new arrangement will support the welfare of families from Afghanistan who have contributed to the UK’s military operations in their country. Families who had put themselves at risk by working and fighting for the UK, were forced to flee their home country when the Taliban regained control. Since then, many of them have […]

two pairs of hands holding a house

October 9, 2023

Joint leaders’ statement to mark World Homeless Day – 10 October

The following is a joint statement by the leaders of Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire district councils, Cllrs Bethia Thomas and David Rouane to mark World Homeless Day on 10 October: “As international attention focuses today on homelessness, we believe everyone should have somewhere they feel safe and secure that they can call […]

March 17, 2023

Councils challenge Oxford City’s plan for high housing numbers

South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse district councils have both responded firmly to Oxford City Council’s consultation that appears to be attempting to exceed the city’s remit and force more development across Oxfordshire’s rural countryside.

A row of houses

November 21, 2022

Action taken to help deliver affordable housing

A new housing delivery strategy and action plan to help bring more genuinely affordable homes to the Vale of White Horse has been approved by Cabinet Members. The new housing delivery strategy aims to meet current and future local housing needs and intends to bring more well-designed net zero carbon housing to help tackle climate […]

October 10, 2022

World Homeless Day Monday 10 October 2022

We have a joint statement to mark World Homelessness Day today, Monday 10 October 2022.

March 4, 2022

Vale gives more than £300,000 to build affordable homes in the district

Vale of White Horse District Council has pledged to provide grant funding of more than £300,000 towards the cost of creating affordable homes in Botley, in the parish of Cumnor.

October 6, 2021

Joint leaders’ statement to mark World Homelessness Day – 10 October

A joint statement by the leaders of South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils, Cllrs Sue Cooper and Emily Smith to mark World Homelessness Day on 10 October.

October 5, 2021

Councils confirm further support for Afghan refugees

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils are to resettle a further six Afghan refugee families, three families each in their respective districts, as part of ongoing support for those forced to flee the country after it fell back under the control of the Taliban.  The councils have already delivered on their initial […]