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September 13, 2021

Consultation opens on how we engage with communities about planning

our views are needed on how we engage with you about the councils’ planning processes.

A train at a station

August 23, 2021

Council calls on the government to support Grove Station

Vale of White Horse District Council is calling on the government to commit to reopening the railway station in Grove and to make funding available for the project. A station, which would serve people living and working in Grove, Wantage and the surrounding area, has been long campaigned for by the local community.  However, progress […]

image of White Horse District Council logo

August 16, 2021

Council calls on the government to scrap planning reform proposals and to protect residents’ rights

Following a motion agreed at the Vale of White Horse District Council meeting last month, Council Leader Emily Smith has written to the government to request that it scraps its proposed changes to planning laws in the United Kingdom which could have serious implications for local communities across the country. In her letter to Robert […]

March 26, 2021

Councils agree to develop a joint South and Vale Local Plan

The two district councils in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse have agreed to develop a joint Local Plan for the area to reduce costs and help the councils meet their ambitious targets for making the two districts carbon neutral. Local Plans are used to help determine planning applications and set out how […]

SouthVale Building Control logo

March 24, 2021

South and Vale Building Control Service Awarded Quality Mark

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils’ building control service has been awarded the quality mark ISO 9001 for their provision of public sector building control and public protection services. Building control is a service that checks that structures and buildings are constructed or modified to meet Building Regulations standards to make sure […]

image of White Horse District Council logo

March 19, 2021

Vale Leader’s statement on the Expressway project cancellation

The Leader of Vale of White Horse District Council has welcomed the announcement that the government’s proposed Oxford to Cambridge Expressway has been scrapped, calling it a success for local campaigners. Cllr Emily Smith, Leader of Vale of White Horse District Council said: “This is welcome news, and I would like to congratulate and thank the many groups and […]

March 2, 2021

Councils looking into the possibility of a joint South and Vale Local Plan

The two district councils in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse are looking into the possibility of developing a joint Local Plan for the area to significantly reduce costs and help the councils meet their ambitious targets for making the two districts carbon neutral. Local Plans are used to help determine planning applications […]

February 23, 2021

£240,000 for newt conservation

South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse District Councils have helped raise more than £240,000 for great crested newt habitats.  The funds have been raised over three years through an ongoing, innovative conservation scheme to protect the newts, which are a European protected species.   The councils have a Natural England licence allowing them […]

An artists image of the new pavilion. Photo: A’Bear & Ball Architects

February 12, 2021

Funding approved for new Shrivenham sports pavilion

A brand-new sports pavilion will be built in Shrivenham, using funds raised by the Vale of White Horse District Council from local housing developments.  The funding was approved at a full council meeting on 10 February. The money comes from S106 agreements made with developers when they were granted planning permission for new homes in […]

January 11, 2021

Community infrastructure – we want your views

Two consultations launch this week into how Vale of White Horse District Council raises money for infrastructure and community facilities needed to support planned  growth across the District. The council is asking the public and local businesses and organisations to comment on the draft Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule and the draft Developer Contributions […]