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Community groups get more than £140,000 for climate-friendly projects

Communities across the Vale will soon be benefitting from new insulation and low energy lighting at shared buildings, as well as electric vehicle chargers, a new electric bike scheme and a new repair café thanks to help from the Vale of White Horse District Council’s Climate Action Fund.

In total, 21 local organisations have been offered support with their climate-friendly projects. They included parish councils, community groups, two churches, a pre-school, a museum and a tennis club. They were collectively offered just over £141,000* to help with a wide variety of projects which aimed to save energy and resources, help nature recovery or educate residents on how they can help make sustainable choices.

Cllr Bethia Thomas, Leader and Cabinet member for Climate Action and the Environment, for Vale of White Horse District Council, said: “This is the fourth year we have offered the Climate Action Fund to groups across the Vale and word has obviously spread as the fund was heavily oversubscribed with applicants.  Unfortunately, we cannot afford to say yes to everything but it’s encouraging that so many people are looking at ways to lower their – and their community’s – impact on our planet’s resources.

‘We’re delighted that we have been able to fund such a variety of projects from energy saving ideas such as insulation and lower energy LED lighting as well as several schemes which aim to help people repair and reuse items. These projects can help save money as well as reducing waste. We’ve also been able to fund nature recovery projects such as restoring woodland.

“We look forward to helping even more projects in the future and judging by the response this year there is no shortage of great ideas and collective enthusiasm for tackling the most important and urgent issue we face as a community.”

Notes to editors

*The council allocated £100,000 to the Climate Action Fund in 2024.  To this was added a £41,915 underspend from the last round of the Climate Action Fund in 2023, making a total of £141,915 to give away this year.

Climate Action Fund awards – offered September 2024

LocationOrganisation/groupType of ProjectDescription
LittleworthLittleworth Reading Room and Playing Field Energy saving and carbon reductionSecond phase of funding to support the thermal insulation of the Reading Room – Littleworth’s village hall.
FyfieldParochial Church Council of Fyfield with TubneyEnergy saving and carbon reductionInstallation of insulation beneath an underfloor heating system, which will be powered by an air source heat pump.
AppletonThe Appleton with Eaton Tennis and Recreation ClubEnergy saving and carbon reductionChanging the club’s existing floodlights to LEDs (low energy lighting).
WantageVale and Downland MuseumEnergy saving and carbon reductionChanging the museum’s lighting to LEDs, as part of a wider decarbonisation project.
WantageVale Community ImpactEnergy saving and carbon reductionAn energy audit of the rented building. The report will include practical recommendations together with projected costings and ongoing support.
ShrivenhamViscountess Barrington’s Memorial Hall and Recreation Ground TrustEnergy saving and carbon reductionChanging the hall’s existing lighting to LEDs.
Shrivenham and UffingtonWest Vale Canal Group – Wilts & Berks Canal TrustEnergy saving and carbon reductionInstallation of solar panels, controller, batteries and an inverter at the works compound. Following this replace petrol powered machines and tools with battery powered versions, including a battery powered outboard motor on the group’s boat, in place of petrol-powered unit.
District wideLow Carbon HubEnergy saving and carbon reductionProvide energy assessments for six community organisations in the Vale. Providing each with several bespoke energy reduction measures.
HarwellLittle Pippins Pre-schoolEnergy saving and carbon reductionChanging the pre-school’s existing lighting to LEDs.
HarwellSt Matthews Church HarwellEnergy saving and carbon reductionEnergy audit of the Church Hall and changing existing lighting to LEDs.
Sutton Courtenay and surrounding areas. Faringdon and WantageBerkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT)Nature recovery – education and engagementDelivery of nature education sessions at BBOWT’s Sutton Courtenay education centre and at two identified community hubs in Faringdon and Wantage.
FaringdonCommunity First OxfordshireNature recovery and access to natureA project to support access to nature in Faringdon. Aiming to map assets, identify and work with existing community groups and run climate action myth busting training sessions.
Botley and North HinkseyHinksey Trail RegenerationNature recovery and access to natureExtension of the boardwalk path by a further 225m through 12ha of rare calcareous fen. Assisting with future management of the fenland habitat, including the planned introduction of grazing in 2025.
South HinkseySouth Hinksey Parish CouncilNature recovery and access to natureRegeneration of the South Hinksey Community Woodland.
BlewburySustainable BlewburyNature recovery and access to natureRestoration of Quaker Wood through site preparation and tree planting, providing an amenity for the community.
AppletonGreen AppletonClimate action and education and engagementSetting up a quarterly repair café to be held in the village hall, offering different types of repairs including garment repairs.
AbingdonOne Planet AbingdonClimate action and education and engagementA series of free and open to all sewing workshops, that will teach individuals how to use a sewing machine to mend, create, upcycle clothing and materials.
District wideFusion ArtsEducation and engagementTwo climate events for the Vale’s creative arts community, to facilitate discussion on specific areas of climate action. Plus a Carbon Literacy accredited training session for those working in the arts sector.
District wideOxford Wood Recycling ltdClimate action and education and engagementA series of free wood craft events, inspiring people to rethink their relationship with natural resources (i.e., timber) in the home and beyond. Workshops are designed to be a starting point for challenging ‘throw-away-mentality’.
FaringdonFaringdon Town CouncilSustainable TransportAn eBike hire scheme to give the community the opportunity to experience eBikes first hand and to realise their benefits.
BlewburyBlewbury Parish CouncilSustainable TransportSecond phase of funding to support the installation of two EV charging points at the village hall.