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Free repair stations make getting on your bike even easier

Cyclists in Didcot can now make fixes on the go following the introduction of some bike repair stations.

The stations include a bike stand, an array of tools including a hex key set, Philips and flat screwdriver and an adjustable spanner, and a pump with pressure gauge so that cyclists can make small repairs or tune up while out and about.

They can also be used for wheelchairs and prams as well as bikes.

One station is located at Didcot Wave in Newlands Avenue and a second is planned for the District Community Centre in Great Western Park.

A third will be added near Cornerstone soon.

The repair stations have been provided by South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils and funded by the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

Councillor Robin Bennett, South Oxfordshire District Council Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, and Deputy Leader, said: “Improving cycling around Didcot is one of the key parts of our Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan so I’m delighted we’ve been able to fund these repair stations.”

Councillor Andrea Powell, South Oxfordshire District Council cycling champion, added: “Cycling is a fantastic way to get around – it encourages healthy lifestyles and helps to tackle climate change while also reducing congestion and pollution.”

Councillor Helen Pighills, Vale of White Horse District Council Cabinet Member for Community Health and Wellbeing, said: “These repair stations are a great free way of keeping your bike in roadworthy condition.

“It’s also great that they can be used by parents to keep their prams working and by those who use wheelchairs to ensure they are in working order.”

Councillor Eric de la Harpe, Vale of White Horse District Council Fitness, Activity and Wellbeing Champion, added: “I hope these repair stations encourage more people to get on their bike to travel in and around Didcot. It’s a great way to travel while getting fitter.”

Didcot was awarded Garden Town status in 2015 in order to help the town grow while ensuring well designed, healthy places and affordable homes.

The delivery plan includes projects to introduce more green spaces, trees, gardens, sustainable technology, walking and cycling pathways connecting routes to town, railway station and large business parks.

You can view the latest delivery plan on the Didcot Garden Town website.