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Council Services Over Christmas and New Year 2024/25

A guide to council services over the Christmas and New Year period when the council offices are closed to the public.

Afghanistan refugees

October 10, 2023

The Vale steps up to help families who supported the UK’s military operations in Afghanistan

An innovative new arrangement will support the welfare of families from Afghanistan who have contributed to the UK’s military operations in their country. Families who had put themselves at risk by working and fighting for the UK, were forced to flee their home country when the Taliban regained control. Since then, many of them have […]

September 27, 2021

Amazon wishlist for specific donations to help Afghan guests

People in Oxfordshire are being asked to make donations of very specific items to help Afghan people currently being looked after in the county after their recent arrival in the UK following events in their home country. As is the case throughout the country Oxfordshire is playing host to a number of Afghan people in […]