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District councils approve a revised management structure to provide stability to residents

Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire district councils have made their interim senior management team structure permanent to help provide a firm and stable base from which they can deliver their corporate plan priorities and services to residents. 

The decision formalises the structure that has been operating successfully at the councils for many months and demonstrates a strong commitment to working in partnership with others. The acting senior management arrangements were put in place after the councils’ Joint Staff Committee supported them over two years ago to help the councils deliver the Corporate Plan 2020 to 2024.  

The cross-party Joint Staff Committee has now requested that the current chief officer structure should be formalised, which both council Leaders have confirmed through Individual Cabinet Member Decisions in consultation with all Cabinet members. Under the revised structure the respective titles of the councils’ three Acting Deputy Chief Executives change to Deputy Chief Executives, removing ‘Acting’ from these roles. The councils are also in the process of finalising the appointment of a new Head of Legal and Democratic Services. 

Cllr Emily Smith, Leader of Vale of White Horse District Council said: “High quality services require a sustainable management structure. Our council has an ambitious corporate plan programme to deliver within a challenging financial climate, so having senior officer roles to help us progress is essential. The current interim arrangements have worked well and making this structure permanent demonstrates our continued full commitment to supporting our communities with stable, joined-up services.” 

Cllr Sue Cooper, Leader of South Oxfordshire District Council with responsibility for Climate Change and Nature Recovery, said: “Formalising the councils’ senior management structure is a really positive move that will allow us to better deliver our climate and ecological priorities. Our continued partnership with the Vale is a fantastic strength to draw on, sharing our expertise and leadership approach to support communities across the districts through what has been a very challenging time. 

“Looking ahead, this formalisation with further strengthen our leadership foundation and will benefit residents by enabling us to plan our services to support evolving future needs.”