Property to let/for sale
The council owns and manages a number of properties in the district ranging in type and size. View the land and buildings we own page for more information.
In order to encourage economic development in the area, preference is given to new and small businesses, particularly when it involves local employment opportunities, although letting to established companies is also considered.
Available properties

Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE
Abbey House is an imposing three-storey office building in the heart of Abingdon. The first and second floor offices are being refurbished, and will offer open plan offices. Available floors can be split into suites from 4,000 sq ft, and will offer separate entrance/reception from existing tenants. The ground floor is currently occupied by the Vale of the White Horse DC, South Oxfordshire DC, and Citizens Advice Bureau with separate entrance. There is Public parking to the North and East of the property.
View the details for Abbey House here.

1A Grove Street, Wantage, OX12 7AB
A versatile town centre general purpose premises with a triple glazed frontage providing a net internal area of approximately 1,441sq.ft/133.84sq.m comprising of a mostly L-shaped, naturally well-lit, open plan floorspace plus and 4 individual consulting/admin/store rooms plus staff welfare. Use Class E: Commercial, Business and Service premises.
View the details for 1A Grove Street here.
We sometimes receive requests to purchase small parcels of council-owned land for use as gardens or for parking etc. View the minor land disposals page for more information.
Contact us - Strategic Property team
01235 422660
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)
Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE