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Our Climate News

All the latest climate-related news from Vale of White Horse District Council.

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  • Council grants double for climate projects

    Great news for local community groups looking to tackle climate change and help nature recovery as the Vale of White Horse District Council has doubled the size of the maximum grant available to £10,000 per project from its Climate Action Fund .

  • Oxfordshire awarded £3.6 million to triple public electric vehicle charging provision by 2025

    Oxfordshire will receive £3.6 million to triple its number of public electric vehicle (EV) chargers after the county’s Local EV Infrastructure (LEVI) bid was approved.

  • New planning rules mean good news for nature recovery

    Biodiversity Net Gain– which came into law nationally on 12 February 2024 – is not a new concept for the councils, whose officers have been working on similar approaches to enhancing the wildlife value of new developments since becoming the first authorities in the UK to successfully secure a BNG agreement in 2013.

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