How business rates are worked out
The amount of business rates you pay is decided by the government. We carry out the billing, collection of funds and enforcements if the bills are not paid.
All the rates we collect are paid into a central ‘pool’, which is controlled by the government and redistributed to councils in the form of a grant. The amount each council receives depends on their resident adult populations and the services for which they are responsible.
The amount you pay will depend on many different aspects:
- the value of your property
- the business rate multiplier
- transitional arrangements
- relief or discounts you may be able to claim
Your business rate bill is worked out by multiplying the rateable value of your property by the appropriate business rate multiplier. Based on the rateable value history, some properties can be subject to transitional arrangements – this can help to reduce your bill.
In some circumstances, you can appeal the amount that you are charged for business rates on our Appeals page. For Freedom of Information requests, see our FOIs pages.
The value of your property
The government’s Valuation Office Agency (VOA) maintains the Non-Domestic Rating List. This includes setting the rateable values of non-domestic properties. This forms the basis on which your business rates are calculated.
To understand why your property has a certain rateable value, please visit the VOA website ‘How business rates are calculated’.
You can find out about the latest assessment for non-domestic properties, your rateable value and the local rating list on the VOA website.
Business rate multiplier
This is set annually by the Secretary of State and except in a revaluation year, the multiplier may not increase by more than the rate of increase in the Retail Price Index.
The multiplier for 2025/2026 has been set at 55.5 pence in the pound for the standard non-domestic rating multiplier, and 49.9 pence in the pound for the small business non-domestic rating multiplier. For 2024/2025 it was 54.6p (standard) and 49.9p (small business).
More information about calculating your business rates can be found on the government’s website.
Contact us - Business rates
0333 038 6551
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)
Vale of White Horse District Council
PO Box 161