Section 106 – apply for funding
To apply for S106 grant funding for affordable homes, please click here.
We work with town and parish councils to pass Section 106 (S106) money to local projects. To apply for S106 funding, please download and complete the application form and email or post it to the community infrastructure team with the supporting documentation as mentioned on page five of the form.
Funding applications are welcomed* where they:
- Meet the requirements as indicated on the application form
- Have sought the support of the parish or town council
- Take place in the locality specified in the S106 agreement(s)
- Are a capital project (funds cannot be used towards ongoing costs or general repair work unless otherwise specified)
*Funding applications are considered and prioritised according to their individual merits and in consistence with the spending criteria of each relevant S106 Agreement.
You can view our S106 parish receipts here – it shows you what agreements have been entered into and the amounts secured, received and allocated/spent by us.
Contact us - Infrastructure claims
01235 422576
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE