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  • Friday 28 March: The quickest way to pay for your garden waste permit is online. Our phone lines are extremely busy. If you encounter any issues, this may be due to the high volume of users – please try again later. − Pay here:

Community Hub support

Our Community Hub is here to help you.

If you need help because you are struggling financially or if you are just finding life difficult, we can help. Whether it’s practical support or just advice, get in touch:

Our opening hours are Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5pm and Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm.  We are not open at the weekend or bank holidays.

Cost-of-living support

We’ve put together a handy leaflet that explains what cost-of-living support you can get from our councils and advice on other local and national organisations that may also be able to help.

Food support

If you or someone you know is struggling to afford food, there are often services in your community that can help. You can find out more information on our free or affordable food support webpage.

Supporting people seeking sanctuary

We continue to do everything we can to help and welcome people displaced by war and persecution and provide sanctuary. 

See our support for Ukraine and support for Afghan families web pages for more details about help that is in place.

We’re incredibly thankful to all who have welcomed and supported many families and individuals seeking safety in the Vale, helping them adjust to life here and become valued members of our community.

We work with Oxfordshire County Council and local health and charity service providers to ensure a full and appropriate support package is in place for families and individuals from countries including Ukraine and Afghanistan to live in sanctuary here.  As well as sourcing private rented accommodation, this support includes ensuring families have access to ongoing mental health support, education, food, medicine, and other vital services.

Here are some useful resources and information: 

Here are some are local charities that provide support especially for refugees and asylum seekers in Oxfordshire:

  • Citizens Advice Oxfordshire
  • Connection Support provide a range of emotional and practical support to help the families settle into everyday life
  • Aspire works in Oxfordshire to support refugees
  • Asylum Welcome helps asylum seekers, refugees and detainees in Oxfordshire (including unaccompanied children) with English lessons, food, hardship payments, advice on housing, jobs, and the asylum system and more
  • Refugee Resource promotes the wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Barnardo’s

See Oxfordshire County Council’s website for some information on bus passes for guests from Ukraine

How we use your data and why

Please read more about how we may use your information and your rights, including those about accessing your records, by downloading our Community Hub’s Privacy Notice.