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How your council tax is calculated

The amount of council tax you have to pay each year depends on the valuation band your domestic property has been allocated. 

Under certain circumstances, you may qualify for a discount or exemption on your council tax.

Valuation band and range of values

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) maintains the council tax valuation list. This includes placing new properties within a council tax band and changing bands for properties when necessary.  

When the VOA assesses a domestic property for council tax it allocates it into one of eight ‘bands’, according to its open market value as at 1 April 1991.

A – up to and including £40,000

B – £40,001 – £52,000

C – £52,001 – £68,000

D – £68,001 – £88,000

E – £88,001 – £120,000

F – £120,001 – £160,000

G – £160,001 – £320,000

H – more than £320,000

The valuation band forms the basis on which your council tax bill is calculated – i.e. the greater the value of your property the more you will need to pay.

To understand why your property is in a certain band you can find more information on the VOA website at How domestic properties are assessed for Council Tax bands

The council tax valuation list shows the valuation band for each domestic property in England and Wales.  You can view the band of any property by visiting the VOA website.

A paper copy of the council tax valuation list for the Vale of White Horse is also available for inspection at our offices.

Appeal your property’s valuation band

If you believe that your home should be placed in a lower band, you can appeal via the VOA. Further information explaining the process for challenging your council tax band and some common questions can be found on the VOA website.

Contact us - Council tax

0345 302 2315
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
PO Box 882