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  • You can now pay for your garden waste permit. The quickest way to do this is online. Our phone lines are busier than normal. If you encounter any issues, this may be due to the high volume of users in the system – please try again later. − Pay here:

Where your council tax goes

Your council tax helps to pay for a vast range of public services provided across Oxfordshire. Please watch this short video or scroll down to find out more:

Where your council tax goes. 

Every pound from the council tax you pay is shared, with these organisations, to provide the following local services. 

78 pence, from every pound you pay, goes to Oxfordshire County Council to help pay for services such as. Adult and children's social care.  Education and learning. Highways and transport. Fire and rescue and community safety. Waste disposal and recycling. Public health improvement, and prevention services.  And, Lybraries, cultural, registration, and coroner’s services. 

Eleven pence goes to the Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley.  To help pay for.  Neighbourhood policing. Supporting victims of crime.  And, protecting vulnerable people. 

Seven pence goes to Vale of White Horse District Council to help pay for services, such as.  Household waste, recycling collections and street cleaning.  Housing services. Planning and building control.  Leisure services. Public toilets. Parks and play areas. Community support.  Environmental health and licencing.  And council tax and business rates collections.. 

And. A district-wide band D average, of four pence from every pound you pay, goes to local town or parish councils, to help pay for services, such as.  Allotments, parks and play areas. Community facilities.  Neighbourhood plans.  Local events and celebrations.  And cemeteries. 

To find out more about your council tax, visit Whitehorsedc dot gov dot UK forward slash council tax.

To find out more about the services provided by each organisation please click on the links below. 

Oxfordshire County Council – find out more about how your money is spent on county services and the county council adult social care precept.

Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner (policing in the Thames Valley area) – for more information, please see the Police & Crime – Council Tax leaflet.

Vale of White Horse District Council for more information, please see our page on Where your money goes and the Vale council tax leaflet.

Town and parish councils – the following town and parish councils have precepts of £140,000 or more and are therefore required to publish details of their expenditure: 

Related Information

Council Tax Demand Explanatory Notes

Last year’s council tax information

Contact us - Council tax

0345 302 2315
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
PO Box 882