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Construction site working hours and Agricultural smells

Construction site working hours

Construction workers should follow a code of practice that include measures to help keep noise to a minimum. Noisy construction activities should normally only be carried out during reasonable hours, which we broadly define as:

  • 7.30am to 6pm from Monday to Friday
  • 8am to 1pm on Saturdays
  • no noisy works on Sundays and Bank Holidays

It is important to note that noisy construction work is usually only temporary, and it will eventually stop. In some cases, we can impose restrictions on the way work is carried out, including controlling hours on site and setting noise limits.

Agricultural smells (odour from muck spreading)

During the spring and in the autumn, we receive complaints concerning agricultural odours within the district.

The most common source of odour complaints relates to the storing and spreading of bio-solids (sewage sludge), slurries (muck spreading) and animal manures, particularly chicken manure, which has a strong odour. The general practice of incorporating manures and bio-solids into agricultural land is a legitimate practice and is considered the best option for disposal.

Muck spreading is recognised as standard agricultural practice, and such odour must reasonably be expected from time to time.  As the sludge is pre-treated prior to spreading it poses no risk to human health.

We do not usually investigate nuisance complaints about this unless the odour is excessive and has persisted for a prolonged period of time (typically a week) after spreading has been completed.

Contact us - Environmental Protection

01235 422403
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Environmental Protection Team
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE