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Enforcement action

We aim to assist and support owners and encourage them to bring their properties back into use voluntarily, where possible. However, some properties are left empty for long periods of time and can be poorly maintained which results in negative effects to their neighbourhoods and communities. As a result, the Council has powers to deal with properties which have a detrimental effect on their neighbours and local areas.

Properties will be considered for enforcement action on a case-by-case basis, and where all other options and alternatives to encourage the owner to return their property to use have been exhausted. This may be when:

  • A home has been abandoned; or
  • the owner can’t be traced; or
  • we can’t agree a voluntary solution with the owner.

In cases where we are required to act to protect the health and safety of our residents. We could:

  • Serve Improvement Notices. This is to make the owner bring their property up to the current housing standards
  • Serve a Compulsory Purchase Order on the property
  • Apply for an Empty Dwelling Management Order. This enables us to take over the management of the property for up to 7 years, carry out remedial works and use the property to reduce housing need within the area
  • Serve a Demolition Order. This is when the property deems repair to be disproportionate