Why does the Council get involved?
Evidence shows that when empty homes are left unmanaged and unmaintained they have a detrimental effect on the surrounding area and community. The owners of empty properties often live elsewhere and are unaware of the issues affecting the property and neighbours.
Empty homes negatively impact local communities by:
- Having a damaging effect on the property’s value and neighbouring property values in the street or local area and their ability to sell
- Bringing a sense of decay and decline to a neighbourhood and may make an area less inviting to tenants, property owners and investors
- The risk of damage to adjoining properties – overgrown brambles, trees, foliage and ivy can cause damage to shared fencing, roofs and gardens
- Increasing environmental health risks from vermin and waste
- Causing a danger to the public, if the structure is unsafe
- Attracting criminal and anti-social behaviour – for example fly tipping, vandalism and arson. If you witness crime at an empty property, please report it to the police or Crimestoppers
- Putting greater demand on emergency services, such as the Police and Fire and Rescue Service
- Wasting resources when so many people need housing.