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The Planning Committee

Please note we are now conducting council committee meetings in person and broadcasting them live online via video conferencing

Councillors will meet in a meeting room and use Microsoft Teams to take part in meetings.  You can watch the proceedings online using a link that we will publish on the meeting agenda pages of our website five days prior to the meeting.

Here are the meeting agendas for the Planning Committee

Each meeting has an agenda which is published five days in advance. Copies of the agenda and reports are available online, or on request.

The Planning Committee is responsible for determining certain planning applications, some tree preservation orders, and some changes to footpath and bridleway orders.

Few planning applications are decided by the committee. The majority are decided by officers under delegated powers.

Watching a meeting

You can watch a meeting of the Planning Committee via the council’s YouTube channel, a link for which is provided on each agenda.

We hold all our meetings in-person, streamed live via our YouTube channel, and recorded in order that you can view it at a time to suit you, rather than needing to attend the meeting. Recordings of past meetings will only be kept on the council’s YouTube channel for one year.

If you have not registered to speak at the meeting, we would encourage you to view the meeting via YouTube rather than attend in person. 

Speaking at Planning Committee

You must have made a written response to the original consultation on a planning application in order to be eligible to speak at a Planning Committee meeting. All those who responded to the consultation will be sent a message with more information about this before the meeting. If you did not respond to a consultation about a planning application on the agenda, you will not be able to speak to the committee.

If you want to speak, you must register with planning services by noon on the last working day before the meeting at their address

Each category of speaker (parish council, objectors, supporters) is allowed a maximum of three minutes to address the committee. If several people register in a category, they have to share the time.

Speaking at a meeting remotely

If you have registered to speak and would like to do so remotely, please inform Democratic Services and you will be provided with an email confirming the meeting details, a link to the meeting, and instructions on how you can make your statement. 

As we believe remote attendance to be the most convenient form of attendance and speaking at a Planning Committee meeting, primarily due to the significant traffic in Abingdon and limited seating space available in our meeting room, we encourage all speakers to attend in this way.

Speaking at a meeting in person

If you have registered to speak and would like to do so in person, please report to the reception at Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE where one of our marshals will assist you. 

You can also make your statement by submitting it in writing in advance of the meeting.

At a meeting, the committee, led by the Chair, follows the published agenda, unless the Chair advises otherwise at the start of the meeting. On occasion, the committee may consider items on the agenda without the public present. The agenda for the meeting will indicate if and when the public cannot observe the business.

Contact us - Democratic services

01235 422520
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE