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Overseas Registration & Absent Voting

As of 16 January 2024, the 15 year registration limit for British citizens living overseas was removed in accordance with changes implemented by the Elections Act 2022. 

British citizens, which includes eligible Irish citizens and citizens of Crown Dependencies, may register as overseas voters if they are now living abroad, providing they:

  • were previously registered to vote in the UK, either before they left the UK or as an overseas voter; or
  • were previously resident in the UK.

Overseas British citizens must apply to register as a voter using the address where they were last registered to vote in the UK or, if they have never been registered, the last address at which they were resident in the UK.

New applicants will need to use the government portal to complete their application to register to vote.

Overseas elector renewals

Under the new rules, overseas voters need to provide a renewal declaration every three years in order to stay registered. Previously, it was every 12 months. A renewal declaration confirms that the details held on the electoral register are still accurate.

The Elections team will send you a declaration renewal request approximately three months before your registration is due to expire. Registrations must be renewed before 1 November, three years after the voter registered as an overseas voter.

So, if a British citizen living overseas applies to vote in March 2024, they will need to renew their application before 1 November 2026.

Overseas electors that were registered before 16 January 2024 will be transitioned to the new three year rule after their next declaration renewal is returned and processed.

Please note that declaration renewals cannot be completed online via the government portal, and any duplicate overseas applications received for existing electors will be rejected.

Overseas electors and absent voting

New and existing overseas electors are strongly encouraged to apply for an absent vote – you can now apply online for a postal vote or apply online for a proxy vote.

We would strongly recommend that new and existing overseas electors apply for a proxy vote over a postal vote if possible, as we cannot guarantee that a postal vote will reach you and be returned to us in time for your vote to be counted.

However, if you need a postal vote then please apply now and do not wait until an election is called. Our postal vote despatch dates are fixed according to timeframes defined by statutory election deadlines and external printer capacity, so it is important to register as a postal voter as soon as you can – this enables us to issue your postal pack as early as possible.

If you have appointed a proxy but you are in the UK on polling day, you can cast your vote in person at your designated polling station.

Changes to overseas absent voting

PROXY voters

Your proxy vote entitlement will expire along with your overseas declaration if not renewed.

We will send you a proxy vote signature refresh form, but you can also submit a new proxy vote application online after renewing your declaration. The signature refresh form must be completed and sent back to us by the given deadline, or your absent vote will expire.

Once renewed, your proxy vote will stay in effect for 3 years to tie in with your overseas registration (unless you have requested one for a shorter timeframe).

POSTAL voters

Your postal vote entitlement will expire along with your overseas declaration if not renewed.

We will send you a letter to remind you to re-apply for a postal vote after renewing your declaration. If we do not receive a new application form, your absent vote will expire.

Once renewed, your postal vote will stay in effect for 3 years to tie in with your overseas registration (unless you have requested one for a shorter timeframe).

Contact us - Electoral services

01235 422600
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE