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Carrying out works to a listed building – getting it right

When carrying out any work we strongly encourage you to use traditional styles, materials and construction methods.

You should avoid using artificial materials such as aluminium, plastic and sealed unit double-glazed windows, even in timber.

If you use these materials, you may end up breaching planning or listed building consent conditions and risk enforcement action being taken against you.

Please involve our Conservation and Design team and other officers from the Planning and Building Control teams at an early stage if you are considering extending your property.

Generally, when you draw up a scheme, you will need to engage an architect, surveyor or other appropriately qualified building professional with a specialist knowledge of historic buildings.

National legislation and local planning policies clearly rule out demolition, unless all other options have been fully explored and found to be unworkable.

Contact us - Planning

01235 422600
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE