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Local Plan 2031 – Part Two Schedule of Proposed Draft Main Modifications Consultation

This consultation closed on 1 April 2019.  We received 105 representations from individuals or organisations and the comments were forwarded to the Inspector for his consideration. 

You can see all the responses here.

We have also produced a summary of the representations received, along with an officer response.  This was published as a document for the Inspector and is available below:

The Inspector invited comments on the Proposed Draft Main Modifications as part of the Examination process for the Local Plan 2031 Part Two.  The Proposed Draft Main Modifications were identified by the Inspector as those necessary to make the policies and proposals within the Local Plan ‘sound’.  The Inspector considered all representations submitted to the Schedule of Proposed Draft Main Modifications consultation before publishing his final report.

Additional Air Quality and Transport evidence and updates to the SA and HRA to reflect the Proposed Draft Main Modifications are also available to view: 

Additional Information

We also published a Schedule of Additional Modifications. These are of a minor nature, including typographical errors and do not affect plan soundness. The Additional Modifications did not form part of the consultation and were published purely to assist understanding:

We also produced a strike-through version of the Local Plan 2031 Part Two to illustrate the Proposed Draft Main Modifications and Additional Modifications. Again, this did not form part of the consultation and was published purely to assist understanding: