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Dalton Barracks Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Latest News on the Dalton Barracks Strategic Allocation Draft SPD

Vale of White Horse District Council formally adopted the Dalton Barracks Strategic Allocation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on 8 April 2022.

The adopted SPD and Adoption Statement can be found below.

A copy of the SPD and Adoption Statement have been placed at the District Council offices in Milton Park.


Part 2 of the Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 was adopted in October 2019 and allocated a mixed-use development, containing 1,200 homes on the Dalton Barracks Strategic Allocation, including a release of land from the Green Belt. The Dalton Barracks Strategic Allocation forms part of the wider Ministry of Defence (MOD) base at Dalton Barracks, which was selected to join the Garden Communities Programme as a Garden Village in 2019.

The ‘Dalton Barracks Strategic Allocation’ policy (Core Policy 8b) in Local Plan 2031, Part 2 sets out the Council’s intention to produce additional guidance on the approach for masterplanning the allocated site. This guidance is contained in the Dalton Barracks Strategic Allocation SPD.

The SPD is focused on the Dalton Barracks Strategic Allocation and supplements the policies in the adopted Development Plan. It sets out the design requirements and the information required to support any planning applications for the site to ensure that an exemplar (high quality) development is delivered. The design and delivery of this new village will follow Garden Village principles as explained throughout the SPD. The adopted SPD is a material consideration in assessing future planning applications for the site. 

Modifications to the Draft SPD following public consultation

A draft SPD was consulted upon from 21 October to 18 November 2021. Following this, a consultation statement was prepared setting out: who was consulted in the document’s preparation; a summary of the main issued raised by respondents; and how those issues have been addressed through modifications where appropriate.

Supporting Documents

In accordance with the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations (2004) the Council prepared a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening statement to determine whether the Dalton Barracks SPD should be subject to further SEA.  The report also considered whether the document would need to be subject to Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA).

We prepared a screening opinion report and consulted on this with the three statutory bodies; the Environment Agency, Historic England and Natural England between 6 September and 11 October 2021. The Council considered that further SEA and HRA were not necessary, and the three statutory bodies did not challenge this position. The Environment Agency did not respond to this consultation, but the responses from Historic England and Natural England are available to view in Appendix Two of the screening report. 

The Council’s final screening statement is published below.

Some frequently asked questions were also produced to support the consultation on the Draft SPD.

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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE