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Valley Park, Didcot

This site has space allocated for 4,254 homes with a minimum of 35 per cent affordable housing.

On 21 February 2022 outline planning permission was granted for up to 4,254 dwellings including 35 per cent affordable housing, public open spaces, sports pitches, primary schools, and community facilities including new healthcare provision. A S106 legal agreement secures local infrastructure provision including road junction revisions, new roads, footway and cycleway provision, and financial contributions to improve and extend existing secondary schools and provide new bus services.

Since February 2022 developers have submitted planning applications seeking approval of details of the designs for the first phases of development in the north of the site. These applications include the provision of infrastructure to serve the first phases of development (application P22/V0604/RM) and applications for 161 dwellings (P22/V0907/RM), and 246 dwellings (P22/V0539/RM).

Application references:

The applicants are Hallam Land Management, Taylor Wimpey, and Persimmon Homes.

Updated 4 July 2022