Our Landscape team advises our own Development and Planning Policy teams to help ensure our local environment is better protected for future generations.
Landscape Planning Policy
When providing advice and guidance our team will consider national and local Planning Policy, including Neighbourhood Plans and best practice, along with policies contained in our Joint Design Guide (2022). The most up to date Landscape Character Assessment is the NHL04 Landscape Character Assessment for South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse September 2024.
The Landscape team will also consider how a development will support open space and nearby play areas via developer contributions. Please see the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document.
If you are submitting a planning application, please ensure that the landscape information is in line with the other information you submitting. Key areas where issues often occur are biodiversity, trees, drainage, service runs, street lighting, highways and visibility splays. Reference should be made to Oxfordshire County Council Design Guidance.
Emerging Joint Local Plan 2041 Landscape Evidence Base
The emerging Joint Local Plan 2041 Examination Library also includes an evidence base to support emerging local plan policies including:
- CEQ06 Dark Skies/ Light Impact Assessment – Methodology Report
- CEQ07 Lighting Design Guidance
- NHL05 Renewables Landscape Sensitivity Assessment
- NHL15 Tranquillity Assessment
- NHL16 Local Landscape Designation Review
National Landscapes
When developments are in or near to the North Wessex Downs National Landscape then consideration will also be given to the North Wessex Downs AONB Management Plan and associated documents.
Contact us - Planning
01235 422600
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)
Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE