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Trees and planning applications

We take trees into consideration for all planning applications.

If you’re making a planning application, you must explain how you have taken existing trees into consideration and how any new trees will be incorporated. If there are any trees within 15m of any part of the development, they should be surveyed and assessed as part of an Arboricultural Impact Assessment. More details can be found in the Arboricultural Assessment section of the Validation Guide, this is currently section 7.18 on page 15 of the guide.

The Arboricultural Association and the Institute of Chartered Foresters have list of companies who can help you gather the information you need to support your planning application.

We also offer a pre-application advice service if you are unsure whether you will need to provide detailed tree reports for your proposed development.

We use a number of plans, policies and guidelines to assess how a development will affect trees, including the following.

National Planning Policy Framework 2018

  • Chapter 15 – Conserving and enhancing the natural environment

Vale of White Horse District Council Local Plan 2031 – Part 1

  • Core Policy 44 – Landscape
  • Core Policy 45 – Green Infrastructure
  • Core Policy 46 – Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity
  • Core Policy 37 – Design and Local Distinctiveness
  • Core Policy 39 – Historic Environment

Vale of White Horse District Council Local Plan 2031 Part 2

  • Development Policy 33 – Open Space
  • Development Policy 37 – Conservation Area

Other useful guidance information can be found in the following links:

Contact us - Trees, countryside sites, ecology and landscape

01235 422600
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE